You’ve ended up on this page, which means that your Dragon software isn’t playing ball today, right?
Not to worry, you’ve come to the right place.
We’re a Nuance Premier Partner which means we know speech recognition inside out so we know our stuff when it comes to Nuance Dragon Support.
Below is a list of common support queries that relate to Dragon software, take a look to see if we’ve already covered your issue.
Philips SpeechMike Record Button Not Working?
How To Install Dragon Software
How To Correct Spelling Mistakes with Dragon
How To Set up The Nuance PowerMic
Need Our Nuance Dragon Support?
Did we miss your problem? Don’t worry, we have a team of dedicated technical support colleagues who help customers every day.
They don’t just fix problems, they also help people to get the most out of their investment.
We even have a brand-new dedicated support helpline, simply call 01423 649 077.
Simply complete the Nuance Dragon Support form below and a member of our team will get back to you so that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of speech recognition!