Looking for a way to speed up your dictations? Then you’ve come to the right place!
We have selected the top Dragon speech recognition voice commands that will save you a bunch of time and make dictating effortless!
What are Dragon Voice Commands?
Dragon voice commands are spoken phrases that you can use to make the software complete a specific action. Typically, voice commands are used to limit keyboard use and maximise efficiency.
Let us show you:
Now that you’re up to speed, let’s check out our favourite voice commands!
Voice Command 1 | Correct That
Saying ‘correct that’ into your microphone instructs the software to correct the last word you dictated. For example, if I dictated the following sentence:
The patient shows signs of fatigue
And then said “Correct that”, Dragon would highlight fatigue ready for you to correct it.
Bonus Tip: If you wish to correct a word that wasn’t the last word you dictated. For example, within the depths of your dictation, you could use the “Correct <Word>” command
I.e. if the patient’s name was Steven but Dragon printed Stephen, you would say “Correct Stephen”.
Voice Command 2 | Insert After
This voice command allows you to insert the cursor after any point within the dictation to insert further text.
Similar to the “Correct <Word>” command, you would dictate the word you would like the cursor to be placed after following the command itself.
For example, “Insert After Dear Sir”.
Voice Command 3 | Save File
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
Saying “Save File” will instruct Dragon to save the file you are dictating into provided it is within Microsoft Word or any other Office application.
Similarly, to save a file for the first time, say “Save File As”.
Voice Command 4 | Copy That
This voice command allows you to copy the text in the same way that highlighting the text and right-clicking would.
This can work in the case of a word, sentence or paragraph, to demonstrate:
“Copy johnsmith@test.co.uk” – To copy specific text only.
“Copy Sentence “- To copy the previously dictated sentence.
“Copy Paragraph” – To copy the current paragraph.
Voice Command 5 | Scratch That
Use this voice command when you wish to delete the most recent piece of dictation i.e. following a sentence if you wish to remove.
Equally, “Delete That” or “Delete <word>” will also work.
That concludes our Top 5 Dragon Voice Commands!
Hopefully, you have learned something you didn’t know previously and will have the means to dictate more efficiently and productively.
If you found these tips beneficial and would like to keep them somewhere safe for reference, you can download the PDF here.