Philips Dictation Software Cuts Waiting Times by 50% | Dacre, Son & Hartley
We caught up with Patrick McCutcheon – Head of Residential at Dacre, Son & Hartley to discuss how they ditched the pre-historic analogue tapes for brand-new Philips dictation software and why.
- Helping people move for almost 200 years.
- 21 offices in Yorkshire.
- Using analogue tapes to record information.
- Physical submission of tapes which led to delay in transcription.
- Slow turnaround times and customer service.
- Lack of full-time workflow – Admin/typing work came in all at once.
- Turnaround times are reduced by 50% with voice recognition technology.
- More time to focus on developing the business and providing better client care.
- VoicePower training led to maximum returns on investment.
About Dacre, Son & Hartley
As one of the longest-established firms of property consultants in Yorkshire, Dacre, Son & Hartley are experts at assisting their clients through all aspects of property transactions – be it buying, selling or entering into a tenancy.
With an office in the VoicePower neighbourhood of Harrogate, as well as Ilkley, Burley, Keighley, and Skipton, it’s fair to say these guys know their stuff.
We caught up with Patrick McCutcheon – Head of Residential at Dacre, Son & Hartley to discuss how they ditched the pre-historic analogue tapes for brand-new Philips dictation software and why.
The Problem
Patrick identified that the inefficiencies of their previous analogue tape system were the prime drivers that led them to switch solutions. He explained: “Our company’s administrative support operates from several disconnected locations and offices.”
“The handover of work would not happen until authors returned from out-of-office visits. This meant that all of the dictation tapes were returned at once, equalling quiet periods followed by extremely busy periods. Patrick depicted this as “a lack of full-time workflow”.
Similarly, the team confessed that this restricted staff members who needed to work from home.
The Solution
VoicePower Ltd met with Dacre, Son & Hartley for an assessment of their current workflow and the requirements of the business.
Both companies agreed that Philips SpeechLive dictation software was the best workflow solution for their requirements, given consideration of their existing dictation and IT infrastructures.
Most noteworthy, it allows you to upload, play and download dictation files and send them to your assistant. Alternatively, users can have them transcribed using speech recognition software or transcription services.
Find Out More About Philips SpeechLive.
An Advantage Over Their Competitors
The versatility of SpeechLive is evident. Patrick states the company uses it to:
- Prepare reports
- Create marketing material
- General letters
Most noteworthy, Patrick expressed that he and his team can “Complete these tasks whilst users are either working within office environments or our operation field areas.”
Hence, Patrick identifies the speed of documentation as the key benefit of their new product, stating “We can submit dictation and confirmatory reports and letters to potential clients very quickly.”
Ultimately, the previous issue of the lack of a full-time workflow is no longer.
“Admin staff now have a constant flow of work. They no longer have to wait for others to return from activities away from the office.” – Patrick McCutcheon
As a result of the above benefits, the company as a whole can spend more time “Making the most of other opportunities such as selling our services.”
When asked about the effect that Philips SpeechLive dictation software has had on their customer care, Patrick revealed: “We have reduced waiting times by 50%”
Expert Training
Dacre, Son & Hartley decided to opt-in for our specialist product training. To that end, Patrick explained that…
“The training secures ‘buy-in’ and investment of the system across the group and ensures we can maximise efficiencies.” – Patrick McCutcheon
As demonstrated by Patrick and his team, digital dictation users are saving vast amounts of time and resources.
Thanks to sending dictations virtually via an internet connection, the physical delivery of tapes is spared. Furthermore, admin staff can prioritise jobs and avoid a ‘feast or famine’ scenario – When many jobs come through at once.